Monday, June 18, 2007

a tribute: bear grylls

photo courtesy of

Bear Grylls, the star of Discovery Channel's "Man vs. Wild", is a true man in the sense that he is a passionate participant of the world and fascinated by basic things such as survival, instincts, and exploration. His fascination doesn't make him a Neanderthal bonehead, but rather a man filled with a sense of adventure and a lack of pretension. His intelligence is useful and relevant in a world that could soon endure serious problems with vast migration and environmental breakdown. How are we to cope? Eat a zebra carcass. Grylls's show informs us of how to survive in extreme environments and endure the harshest terrains but also appreciate the wide ranging pragmaticism that exists in nature. He remains composed and calm throughout his global treks but human when he shows his desperation to be with his wife and children in moments of imminent peril.

There isn't much on cable television that is worth a gander, but his show is not to be missed. The new season just started on Friday and new episodes will air every Friday at 9:00 pm.

A classic Grylls moment:

Learn more about Grylls here.

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