Sunday, April 5, 2009


Nike Sneakers
A.P.C., $140

I caved into the TopShop madness this weekend. It started out promising with the free cookies and water I received in line as I waited, courtesy of the Mark Ronson-look alikes and brand ambassadors (or is that title too generous?) who comforted the tired and hungry in anticipation of being let into the recently opened fast fashion wonderland. I entered and immediately found it to be overwhelming. LOTS of trendy clothes and LOTS of trendy looking people. I felt a lot of the fabrics and they felt cheap so obviously cheap. Maybe that's the point? The clothes reminded me of the trendy pieces you guiltlessly buy every season and guiltlessly throw away when it's on to the next big thing. It all seemed very well intentioned, but what is there for the crowd that wants something a little more classic and worth the money? Well, I found out not too far away. I went to A.P.C. on Mercer and found a decent sale rack. I had no reason to purchase them other than they were prices I can afford and they felt like clothes I'd have for a while. And then I saw the sneaker pictured above. So simple and timeless. The price hurts a bit, but A.P.C. is seductive in its simplicity and for a quick minute I considered it. But we're in a recession, so I decided maybe next time.

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