Monday, October 15, 2007

night moves


"In Rainbows", Radiohead's latest album, may seem like a stunt but don't let the hype, or the conscious lack of, fool you. The album is a little rough and experimental around the edges but there's that great accessibility and pull Radiohead songs so effortlessly convey in their appeal. It's interesting to think about the machine that is self-promotion in the entertainment industry and how one of the biggest and most influential bands of the past two decades completely rejects it. Is it biting the hands that feeds or is it a sly commentary on the strength of music overshadowed by who wears what and how many TRL appearances an act can make? Whatever it is I know I like this album and they are at least making an attempt to confuse and keep us guessing. That's saying more than flashing their genitals to keep their names on the collective consciousness.

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