Wednesday, August 6, 2008

batman returns

The Wall Street Journal is convinced Batman is a thinly veiled characterization of George W. Bush. The New York Times believes "The Dark Knight" takes itself too seriously, which in turn, is leading to a creative peak for the superhero movie genre. New York Magazine cantankerously responded to the "The Dark Knight"'s balance between popcorn entertainment and the coded philosophical, political, and psychological messages. Add to that the movie just made $400 million domestically in eighteen days. I guess this movie was bound to experience some sort of backlash. Director and co-writer of "The Dark Knight", Christopher Nolan, discussed some of the political themes of the film as a guest on The Film Programme. Nolan's aloofness about the film's political resonance makes one wonder if it's possible, or not, for mainstream art to avoid being inspired by the current state of affairs in the world. Maggie Gyllenhaal adds to the interview with her own thoughts on the new trend of weighty themes finding their way into big blockbusters.

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