Tuesday, December 18, 2007

crema de vie

I am a glutton when it comes to holiday foods and beverages. One of my favorites is eggnog. I'm having a holiday party this Friday and I was considering having some sort of eggnog, but I'm sure copious amounts of a thick, creamy, and punchy beverage is not a good idea. However, I think I will attempt this recipe some other time from the guy who has styled the hair of just about every major model and actress, Orlando Pita. Snaps on the gray on gray combination as well.

1 1/4 cups sugar
1 1/4 cups water
1 cup rum
2 cinnamon sticks
6 egg yolks
1 14 oz. can Carnation condensed milk
1 tablespoon vanilla

Bring water, sugar, and cinnamon to a boil. Boil for 6 minutes. Cool (you can place pan in ice water to speed the process up). Whip egg yolks in separate bowl. Mix in condensed milk. Mix in sugar mixture (Note: Pour sugar mixture into condensed milk can to get all the good stuff off the sides of the can.). Add vanilla. Add rum. Strain into a bottle. Refrigerate. Enjoy.

courtesy of style.com


diamond said...


Unknown said...

As they say on Oh No They Didn't, IAWTC. It took me forever to figure out that meant "I agree with this comment." Ha.

In any case, love me some eggnog! A lot of people don't, oddly. I don't think I've ever had the real kind with alcohol to be honest, but I bet it's delish. Good call on not having it at your party though, as I don't think eggnog + dancing mix.

P.S. Should I bring anything to this party other than myself and booze?